Linking Returns to Projects

Return configuration sets include the option to link a tax return to one or more Workstream projects at the time returns are created and an option to select a default project type and project template for each return type. Additionally, each version of a tax return results in a separate work object in the project; projects can be linked to more than one return.

If all of the following conditions are true, you can link tax return to working projects:

  • A Workstream license is assigned in your staff profile.
  • Workstream is installed on your machine.
  • The Workstream option to link the return ID and client ID to a Workstream project is selected in the return configuration set.

Linking tax returns to working projects allows you to do the following:

  • Review and edit linked returns from Workstream.
  • Review and edit linked projects from Return Manager.
  • Create new projects from Return Manager.
  • Update project and return statuses.

You can create a project to link to the return or link the return to an existing project.

Linking Returns to New Projects

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Add a return with a return configuration set that is configured to establish links to projects. After the return is added, the Link work object window displays.
    • In Return Manager, select a return in the grid and click Link to Project in the Workstream group on the Utilities tab to display the Link work object window.
  2. Accept the existing client and default project type and template, or select another option from the lists. Click Complex Lookup,, to define filtering criteria for a lookup list.
  3. Note: Return configuration sets define the default project type and template for each return type.

  4. Click Create & Link to create the new project and link the return to the project. The Project window displays.
  5. Complete the project setup. Information from the Link work object window will automatically populate the project.
  6. Note: For complete instructions on Workstream projects, click the Help button on the Project window, or see Managing Projects in the Workstream Help Table of Contents.

Linking Returns to Existing Projects

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Add a return with a return configuration set that is configured to establish links to projects. After the return is added, the Link Work Object window displays.
    • In Return Manager, select a return in the grid and click Link to Project in the Workstream group on the Utilities tab to display the Link work object window.
  2. Click the Existing Projects tab.
  3. Select one or more projects created for the selected client from the grid.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Link & Close to link the return to the project and close the Link work object window without opening the selected projects.
    • Click Link & Open to link the return to the project, close the Link work object window, and open the selected projects.
    • Note: For complete instructions on Workstream projects, click the Help button on the Project window, or see Managing Projects in the Workstream Help Table of Contents.

Clearing Links

To clear the link between a return and a project, do the following:

  1. Open the project in Workstream or use one of the following methods to open the project:

    Update Status window

    1. Select a return in the Return Manager grid or open a return.
    2. Click Update Status on the ribbon.
    3. Select a project in the grid and click Open Project.
    Link Work Object window
    1. Select a return in the Return Manager grid or open a return.
    2. Click Link to Project on the ribbon.
    3. Click the Existing Projects tab.
    4. Select a project in the grid and click Open.
  2. Click Links on the navigation panel.
  3. Select a Tax object in the Linked work objects grid.
  4. Click Clear Link in the grid toolbar.
  5. Click Delete on the confirmation window.
  6. Select one of the options to save your changes in the project.